Packaging business idea

Have ever been curious enough to find out how packs of beans end up in our supermarket shelves!!!
This is what you need to start:
You need a reliable supply of these grains , the main suppliers are GMB and of course directly from Farmers. There is a government instrument which regulates buying and selling of maize which was gazetted sometimes last year I may need to be corrected if I'm wrong which you need to be aware of.
For starters, you will need the following papers so you can be able to supply retail shops:
1) certificate of incorporation
2) tax clearance
3) corporate bank account
4) trading lisences
5) finally you need to be on the suppliers list
Packaging machines
- you can buy an electric sealing machine just like the one attached below for only $20 along Harare street. This one will be ideal during trial stages but as you grow you will need a commercial packing machine which you can buy for plus or minus $400 on Alibaba depending with size and capacity.
For you to comfortably penetrate the already occupied market you will need a very good packaging designed at its best. Will attach my designer's number below.