Some of the risks you can actually insure as a Farmer

*Some of the risks you can actually insure as a Farmer*
Drought Insurance, Flooding and Excessive Rainfall Insurance, Crop Multi-peril Insurance,Weather Index Crop Insurance, Frost and Pre-Germination Insurance for Winter Cropping ,Tobacco Hail Insurance ,Greenhouse All-Risks Insurance, Irrigation Equipment All-Risks Insurance, Farm Comprehensive Package, Livestock and Poultry Insurance and Aquaculture Insurance.
*What is the uptake of agriculture insurance in Zimbabwe?*
Ironically, the uptake of agriculture insurance by farmers in Zimbabwe is low. Farmers cited various reasons for not taking up agriculture insurance chief among them are affordability and lack of knowledge on how the insurance operates.
*Crop Insurance* – This covers losses for all field, horticultural and plantation crops as a result of uncontrollable pests and diseases, wind and hailstorm damage, flooding, frost, fire and lightning, theft, malicious damage, explosion, windstorm and loss or damage incurred during transportation of harvested crop to the market.
*Livestock Insurance* – This will cver for all domestic animals and game in the event of accidental death or injury due to fire, lightning, diseases, accidents, snake bites and theft and other perils stated in our policy.
*Farm buildings* , plant and equipment cover – A comprehensive insurance policy which covers farm buildings and farm equipment/implements inclusive of water pumps, tractors, combine harvesters, planters, irrigation equipment and all other farm equipment. These are covered against fire, lightning, accidental damage, theft and unforeseen breakdown of machinery.
*What you need to apply*
Fully completed crop/livestock/property proposal form – Name, Physical address, Type of crop, Sum Insured.
On-farm valuations also needed apart from fully completed proposal forms – Farm records a prerequisite
*AgroAlerts* _news for farmers_